Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Three weeks down...

I've been on escitalopram for over three weeks now and to be honest I'm feeling great!

The first week was pretty tough in terms of exhaustion and not knowing what was going to happen and so on. The only real indication that it was doing what it was supposed to was when my best mate came home from overseas and instead of feeling overwhelmed with happiness and bursting with joy, I felt happy and calm. I never feel calm when I'm happy, i usually have the drama happies.

I have been sleeping well and though at first i didn't want to drink any alcohol, i have been drinking a bit. Now its time to lay off it a while i think and really give my body and chemistry the kickstart it needs to feel better.

I don't feel immediately anxious when i have certain thoughts these days, i feel more capable. I am much happier at home with my honey and able to discuss matters with him without them escalating into anything worse and triggering either of us. I started exercising again yesterday for the first time in over two years, which is something amazing for me. I used to be so fit, and so proud of my fitness that i'm ashamed my body is a bit of a wasteland right now. So i'm rejigging things a bit to focus on wellness again and i'm going to lead the way for Avi to find his way back to wellness as well.

I haven't had an anxiety attack in a while, and haven't cried at work since taking these happy pills. A part of me hates to admit it, but perhaps this is what i needed all along and i'm glad that I got help. My chemical makeup feels stronger and i feel capable for once. Best thing i've ever done for myself and my mental health at this kind of point in my life.

Til next time zombies x